Upgrading your team for the next level in DevOps practices
We share the options you may have for upgrading your team for the next level in DevOps practices and skills in the (pre-)scaling phases of a SaaS business.
ECS vs. EKS: A comparison
ECS or EKS is a decision that many teams face when looking for a container orchestrator platform on AWS. We’ve done our best to list the most important similarities and differences here.
Our tips & guidelines for remote communications
Test 123
Kops vs AWS EKS
Test 123
The World’s Diversity Cup
Test 123
From a high traffic monolithic app to serverless
Test 123
Introducing our Concourse CI setup approach
Test 123
Terraform remote state
Terraform remote state Uncategorized oktober 3, 2017 Terraform remote state Introduction At Skyscrapers we use S3 to save all our remote states. We even setup our S3 bucket where we save our remote state with Terraform. Our S3 buckets are configured with versioning enabled. (that way we can always roll-back if needed). Our S3 bucket has a […]