Join Us

Will You Join Us On Our Adventure?

Forget the typical corporate grind. We embrace flexible work, a culture of innovation and self-consciousness. Join us on an exciting adventure as we push boundaries, discover breakthroughs, and build a different kind of company.

Currently we have no open positions, but watch this space!

Will You Join Us On Our Adventure?

We’re currently not looking for any specific profiles. Watch this space for new profiles soon!

Skyscrapers retreat


Years of experience in DevOps

Why we are different

We're not your typical 9-to-5, top-down power structure company that requires a daily commute. We're driven to challenge the traditional corporate way of doing things. It promises to be an exciting adventure, albeit a challenging one, where we navigate to new territories and methodologies. But it is precisely these challenges that will help us to deliver the best expertise possible, discover the greatest innovations and build a path towards a more progressive and sustainable way of organising a company.

Our values are important to us

Our company values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide our people and our organization. They explain why we do what we do and they set us apart from our competitors. By living these values, we not only uphold our standards but also contribute to their evolution over time.

We invite you to integrate these values into every aspect of our conversations and interactions!

What Do We Offer You?

  • Be part of a growing team that is building its future
  • Work with bleeding edge open source and cloud technology, and SaaS development teams
  • Location independence, no energy draining commute
  • Flexible work-times (pick up your kid from school, enjoy the beach, do some sports, …)
  • Paid conferences
  • 2 retreats per year
  • Generous vacation allocation
  • Access to personal coaching (with our resident coach Ben) and free psychological session through BloomUp (a customer of ours 😁)

What Does The Hiring Process Look Like

We believe in taking the time to get to know our candidates well. As a remote team, our interview process is thorough, focused on learning more about you and vice versa. We invite you to ask any question you need to ask to get to know us!


We all say money doesn’t make us happy, but it better be right and fair so we don't need to worry about it and feel valued. Only then can we focus on doing what we love and grow accordingly.

Within Skyscrapers money matters and compensation are fully transparent. Everything is discussed openly: how much we make, how much money is in the bank, what each of is paid (including Frederik), etc. In 2023 we implemented our first version of self-setting of pay and will keep doing that in the future.

During hiring we want to maintain the same principles. In the last talk we will determine your starting compensation together. To start we will lay it all out: our current compensation model, how much we all make, what we think you'll be contributing, our constraints, etc. We’ll be very open, honest and vulnerable with you. It is then your turn to do the same from your side. Are you ready for that?